Thursday, October 6, 2011


I have reason to believe that we are so much more than what we really know. I think if we were to dig into all that we are and give it our all we would more than likely just short of scare ourselves because of our insurmountable awesomeness. Lately, I've been behaving like a kid, but let me explain...not like eating a bunch of candy and crying when I can't have my way, but in the "no limit" sense. Have you ever talked to a kid about something that they're really passionate about?! It's amazing. I love how they believe that anything is possible and nothing makes them waiver from their believe; even when we intervene the twinkle in their eye with our adult logic, they don't care or listen...they keep right along telling you how they can save the world tomorrow and cure world hunger and be back at home in time enough to watch Sponge Bob and eat Cherrios! So here lately I've decided to be a complete kid. To believe the way I did when I was kid. Well honestly, I never stopped but when your an adult life happens and it sometimes discourages you, but no worries I am back to being 8 years old.

It's a scary thing when your in a foreign country and no one around you knows your talent and you have to kind of "prove yourself" to others. Today in my 8 year old state of mind a client was talking about an event here in Amsterdam that's going to consist of a fashion show and live music, which is so me right. So I did more inquiring about the event and simply asked if they needed a hair stylist and/or make up artist? Now I was sure that all of that was handled but as "a kid" I thought why not give it a go? To my surprise they could use a few extra hands and I'll be helping out. I'm so thrilled about it!!!!

Go back to the days when you believed anything was possible. Go back to the days when you didn't factor in and compute the obstacles before embarking on a journey that you knew your heart was calling you to. U R DANGEROUS with that mind set. (In a good way of course) You can accomplish so much that way. God bless and if I'm not your stylist I should be :-)

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